Sunday, March 31, 2013

And the world will live as one ..

Our last group that helped us empty the volunteer facility on Easter!  Thank you Keene Ladies!

With the energy, vibrance, and enthusiasm of over 450 volunteers, we were able to raise the spirit of multiple communities, bring hope to residents, and jumpstart the organization and volunteer intake process of several distribution and relief centers.  
We are grateful for the opportunity to show communities what the young generation has to offer with their teamwork and positivity.
Through the relationships made amongst each other, with homeowners, and with organizations, our volunteers and the communities of New Jersey remind each other that we are all oneTogether, we can be resilient through difficult times and be the hope of light in brighter days ahead.

Thank you to all of our wonderful Project Partners and all those that contributed to and supported us through this journey in New Jersey for our Superstorm Sandy Relief Efforts!
Community Collaborations International and all of our volunteers have had such a pleasure contributing to your cause!

Monmouth County Americorps
Atlantic County Americorps
Ocean County Americorps
Jim Tchir and BrigStrong
Blankets for Brigantine and Beyond
Ed Conover and Atlantic County Office of Emergency Management
Jim Gurenlian
South Shore Towing
The community of Ocean Gate, George, and Mayor Paul
Laura Gonzalez
Pat and the rest of People's Pantry (The Old Lady and The Biker)  
Shannon and We Are Team Jersey
Courtney Chibbaro
Hooked on Ventnor
Brigantine Community Center
Community Presbytarian Church, Pastor John, Sue, Bob, and Brenda
Chris Claus, Ocean County Park, and Cattus Island Park
Ocean County YMCA
Toms River Holiday Inn
Pola Girard Galie and The Lighthouse Center
First Presbyterian Church - Manasquan
United Way of Atlantic County
The Salvation Army of Atlantic County
American Red Cross of Atlantic County
Bob Yaiser and the rest of the Toms River Fire Prevention Team
Mayor and City Counsel of Toms River
East Dover Fire Company 4
Visitation Relief Center
Waves of Hope
Shop Rite - Rt 37
Rafael and El Mexicano Restaurant of Atlantic City
The Atlantic City Rescue Mission
Sister Jean's Kitchen
Community Food Bank of New Jersey
Jamie and Cooking For A Cause
The Fuller Center for Housing
Boys and Girls Club of Atlantic City

and Another Special Thanks to the Volunteers from all of the following:
 Elon University
Keene University
Mitchell College
Ashford University
 Penn College
Towson University
Hamilton University
 Lasell University
Allegheny College
Ohio State University
Georgia Tech University
Wake Forest University
Heartland Community College
Grand Valley State University
Prince George Community College
Cleveland State University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
University of South Carolina
Hobart and William Smith University
Drew University
Cornell College
Rutgers University
Northwestern University
Harford Community College
University of Southern Maine
University of Colorado Boulder
Eastern Connecticut College
Clemson University
Missouri S&T
University of California Santa Barbara
University of Maine
Mercy Hurst University
College of Charleston

Thank you all!

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